Join us for a conversation on January 12th with Dr. Don Wuebbles on climate change impacts and solutions

Join us on Wednesday, January 12th for a discussion with Dr. Don Wuebbles on climate change impacts and adaptation + mitigation strategies. What does climate change mean for the Chicagoland region —what can we expect, and what can we do about it? Please join international climate scientist and University of Illinois professor emeritus Dr. Don […]

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Moving Towards a Healthy and Sustainable World –
Reflections on Greenleaf’s contributions in 2021

Greenleaf, in collaboration with many, is making progress towards a more sustainable and just world that includes a safe climate, clean and available freshwater supplies, healthy soils, equitable resources, and good governance. Please consider supporting our work through a tax-deductible donation. We developed economic research to inform domestic and international climate policy and support society-wide […]

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The Glasgow Climate Conference: What to Look For

Roy Wehrle, Senior Advisor to Greenleaf Communities, Emeritus Professor at University of Illinois Springfield, and former Presidential Advisor. It seems like only yesterday that 195 countries passed the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, an historic turning point after decades of global talks on climate. Now six years later, the nations of the world assemble in […]

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John Andersen presents Lessons from Nature at Lake Bluff’s 125th Anniversary Celebration

John Andersen presented at Lake Bluff’s 125th anniversary celebration which honored the spirit of Lake Bluff’s popular Camp Meetings of the late 1800s by hosting a “Chautauqua.” The theme of the Camp Meeting was Let Nature Be Your Teacher. John shared lessons he learned from working across businesses, government, and scientific communities to conserve and […]

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An open letter to Illinois leaders: We can solve the Chicago area’s water challenges – Crain’s Chicago Business OpEd

Chicagoland is well placed to become a sustainable metropolis and safe haven in an uncertain climate future. In a new op-ed, Greenleaf Communities and partners call on Illinois’ leaders to collaborate on a regional water plan that is resilient, just and economic, with Lake Michigan at the heart of the solution. Read the Op-Ed on Crain’s Chicago […]

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New study co-authored by Greenleaf Water Lead highlights gaps in water research in Latin America

A new, peer-reviewed article co-authored by Greenleaf Communities’ Climate and Water Lead, Francine van den Brandeler, together with colleagues at UC-Davis, uses machine learning to explore bright spots and blind spots of water research in Latin America and the Caribbean. The region – home to more than 650 million people – is extremely vulnerable to […]

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IPCC and Climate Crisis Advisory Group underscore urgency that can be addressed at COP26

The existential threat of climate change has become increasingly evident as we experience its devastating impacts: wildfires burning in the Pacific Northwest, California, and Greece; torrential rains flooding China and Western Europe; droughts and storms damaging America’s food belt. The new IPCC report makes climate risks starkly clear: “human influence has warmed the climate at […]

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Proposal for COP26 – Recommendations on a Climate Club and Carbon Surcharge Transfer

Climate scientists and policymakers warn of deep and irreversible damage to Earth if we do not take immediate global action on climate change. In this report, Dr. Roy Wehrle, Dr. Francine van den Brandeler, and Dr. Don Wuebbles make recommendations for successful negotiations at COP26 based on extensive research for domestic and global climate policy. COP26 […]

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