Join us on Wednesday, January 12th for a discussion with Dr. Don Wuebbles on climate change impacts and adaptation + mitigation strategies.
What does climate change mean for the Chicagoland region —what can we expect, and what can we do about it? Please join international climate scientist and University of Illinois professor emeritus Dr. Don Wuebbles for a discussion of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2021 Report and its implications for the North Shore.
Dr. Wuebbles led a 2019 assessment of climate change on the Great Lakes and co-led a 2021 special assessment of the impacts of climate change on the state of Illinois. He was a coordinating lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that shared in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. He'll be joined in conversation by Francine van den Brandeler, who leads climate and water research and policy analysis at Greenleaf Communities.
Register here for the virtual event on Wednesday, January 12th at 1pm CT.
Presented by the Glencoe Public Library, the Glencoe Sustainability Task Force, the Friends of Green Bay Trail, and Go Green Wilmette in coordination with Greenleaf Communities, the Glenview-Glencoe League of Women Voters, Chillicothe Public Library, Downers Grove Public Library, Highland Park Public Library, Lake Villa District Library, Morton Grove Public Library, Wheaton Public Library, and Winnetka Public Library.
Supplemental materials on climate science, policy, and adaptation and mitigation solutions can be found here.