Greenleaf Communities Board of Directors

John Andersen, Jr.
Greenleaf Communities

Warren Dick, PhD
The Ohio State University
Professor Emeritus

Ali Fatemi, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, Global Finance Journal
Emeritus Chairman and Professor of Finance
DePaul University

Janet Hock, PhD
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Center for Urban Health Investigator

Nancy Holm
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (Retired)
Nancy Holm was the Assistant Director at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) which is a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In her role as assistant director, she oversaw ISTC’s Sponsored Research Program which funds research projects through the State of Illinois’ Hazardous Waste Research Fund. Additionally, Nancy was involved with several research projects at ISTC on pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the aquatic environment and fate and transport of microplastics in aquatic systems. She was also co-leader of ISTC’s Solar Module End-of-Life Initiative promoting proper recycling of decommissioned solar modules.
Nancy holds a B.A. in Biology and Chemistry from Luther College and an M.S. in Oceanography and Limnology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Patrick Hunt
Private Investor
Patrick Hunt retired at the end of 2022 following a 40-year career in commercial real estate investment management which included serving as President and Chief Operating Officer of a publicly traded Real Estate Investment Trust and President and Chief Operating Officer of a privately held firm. Pat earlier had a 14-year career at LaSalle Investment Management, one of the world’s leading managers of private and public property equity investments, where he served as a Managing Director. He began his business career as a loan officer at BMO Harris Bank in the commercial lending department. Pat has served on Boards of both public and private firms. He has a BS from Northwestern University and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

John Jimison
Energy Attorney and Consultant

Dick Munson
Writer on Energy and Agricultural Innovation

Darrell Norton, PhD
USDA National Soil Erosion Research Lab
Research Soil Scientist, Retired

William Obenshain
DePaul University
Chairman of the Advisory Board
The Center for Financial Services

Hugh Reams
Shannon Advisors
Hugh Reams was a Senior Advisor at Shannon Advisors, which raises institutional capital from pension funds, endowments, foundations and high net worth family offices for buyout and venture capital funds. Prior to Shannon, Hugh was a Managing Director at Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette (DLJ), Credit Suisse, and LaSalle Investment Management. Raising more than $12 billion from institutional investors for buyout and venture capital clients including cleantech funds.
Hugh graduated with an economics degree from Denison University and an M.B.A. from Indiana University

Brian Richter
Sustainable Waters

Alice Schaff
Wilmette Dist. 39 Board of Education
Chairperson of Facilities and Strategy Committees

Sabina Shaikh, PhD
University of Chicago, Faculty
Director, Program on Global Environment, Environmental & Urban Studies

Robert Spoerri
Beneficial Reuse Management

George Stone
Hill & Stone Insurance Agency, Inc
President, Risk Manager/Consultant
George S. Stone has developed Hill & Stone, a 100-plus year old family-owned business, into one of the largest independent insurance agencies in the Midwest. Several thousand clients benefit from Hill & Stone’s unyielding commitment to meeting their personal and corporate insurance needs. George brings valuable insight into sales, marketing, and client service to assist Greenleaf Advisors in serving its clients and growing its business. George also owns and manages a family tree farm business, Swimming Bear Corporation, which has been committed to Silvaculture since 1923. George brings valuable insight into sales, marketing, and client service to assist Greenleaf Communities in serving its clients and growing its business.
Read more about George and Hill & Stone.

John Wallerius
Jones Lang LaSalle

Don Wuebbles, PhD
University of Illinois, Emeritus Professor
Earth Knowledge, Director of Climate Science