Greenleaf hosted "Climate Change and Economic Policy – Transitioning to a Secure Future" with presentations by partners and board members on the impacts of climate change to society and the urgency to implement solutions to mitigate its effects supported by economic policy including a carbon dividend approach. Dr. Don Wuebbles, Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Illinois, presented on An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Great Lakes. Dr. Roy Wehrle, former senior economist on President Kennedy’s Council of Economic Advisors, presented on a market approach to advance the transition from fossil fuel to renewable energies including the report, A National Energy Transition Plan for America: Informing the Development of a Carbon Dividend Approach. John Jimison, former Director of the UN Foundation’s Energy Future Coalition discussed the potential of sustainable business solutions to address the challenge if greatly scaled up now, but time is running out to avoid dire consequences.
We thank Don, Roy, and John for sharing their knowledge on climate change to the Lake Forest community.