Sharing Solutions to Climate Change, Energy, Water and Natural Resources during Earth Week

We again find ourselves in the midst of what is shaping up to be the hottest year on record, we remain focused on addressing climate change with strategic solutions for the global transition towards a thriving and sustainable world.

The Center of Urban and Rural Environmental Sustainability (CURES) at the University of Illinois hosted the Center for Urban & Rural Environmental Sustainability (CURES) Conference focused on water, energy, and sustainability projects for local communities in Springfield, IL. Katie DeMuro presented solutions for a healthy and sustainable world including climate modeling, distributed energy resources, smart stormwater management, and green infrastructure on a panel for Community Sustainability Initiatives and Opportunities along with Prairie Rivers Network, Illinois Environmental Council, SEDAC, the City of Urbana, and the City of Carbondale (see below, photo credit: Randa Watts). Attendees from municipalities in Illinois accessed information on federal and state funding programs and learn about the availability of technical assistance for water projects, approaches used by other localities, and options for promoting sustainability within the community.

Learn more about Greenleaf Advisors’ and Greenleaf Communities’ partners who are helping to advance a healthy and sustainable world:

Earth Knowledge’s planetary intelligence platform is guiding businesses, investors, and governments on how earth systems dynamics will impact their assets and operations in order to prioritize and underwrite investments in protecting facilities and infrastructure.

The Open Group‘s Open Footprint Forum has created a common model for footprint-related data to help enterprises track, share and report their emissions, informing companies allocation of resources towards reductions strategies.

Intelligent Generation’s solar and energy storage optimization services for industrial and commercial companies as well as governments and institutions seeking economic and resilience benefits while driving  decarbonization of the electric grid.

Opti‘s stormwater management technology optimizes the collection, storage and treatment of stormwater runoff by transforming passive infrastructure with Continuous Monitoring and Adaptive Control (CMAC).

Blacks in Green are the creators of the Sustainable Square Mile – building the gold standard for Black community economic development.

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