Climate scientists and policymakers warn of deep and irreversible damage to Earth if we do not take immediate global action on climate change.
In this report, Dr. Roy Wehrle, Dr. Francine van den Brandeler, and Dr. Don Wuebbles make recommendations for successful negotiations at COP26 based on extensive research for domestic and global climate policy.
COP26 in Glasgow will be a historical turning point if the Parties to the Paris Agreement address three imperatives:
- Guarantee major greenhouse gas reductions. Nations need to go beyond volunteered pledges to required commitments. Many actions are needed, but by far the most effective will be to put a price penalty on carbon emissions. Over 65 countries, regions and sub-national jurisdictions are adopting carbon pricing mechanisms; those failing to act will be left behind in global trade and technology.
- Create a level playing field so that exports of large carbon reducing nations remain competitive with nations still using mostly fossil fuel energy.
- Assure substantial financial assistance to developing countries so they can protect themselves through adaptation and mitigation.
These commitments can be achieved at Glasgow by creation of a Climate Club, or Compact, and adoption of a Carbon Surcharge Transfer to bind all countries in solidarity and purpose.
Read the proposal for COP26 on the formation of a Climate Club and adoption of a Carbon Surcharge Transfer.
View our other climate policy reports here.