2024 in Review: Greenleaf is advancing sustainable solutions for climate and natural resources.

There has never been a more urgent time to confront the interconnected threats of climate change, water scarcity, and unsustainable land use that jeopardize life on Earth. We must act now to chart a more favorable course than the one we are on, implementing practices and policies that mitigate risks and help us adapt to unfolding impacts. The effects of climate change are not distant; they are here today. Greenleaf works on solutions at multiple scales, including:

  • Renewable energy for a clean economy with jobs and independence
  • Climate-smart agriculture providing resilience and enhanced productivity
  • Innovation with sustainably-produced bio-based products
  • Carbon pricing and the clean energy transition
  • Green infrastructure and nature-based solutions for healthy communities
  • Consumer choices informed by accurate information and trusted suppliers
  • Financial markets incorporating climate and nature risks

Pricing carbon accelerates the transition to a clean economy

Our climate policy work continues, informed by past Presidential advisors Dr. Don Wuebbles, expert atmospheric scientist, and Dr. Roy Wehrle, Senior Economist, with Greenleaf Climate and Water Fellow Dr. Francine van den Brandeler. We provided updated carbon pricing research to Congressional Committee Chairs on the associated benefits of market-based policy solutions to achieve the U.S.’s economic, societal and climate ambitions, maintain international competitiveness, and provide clean jobs.

Informing sustainable finance to shift markets and help corporations mitigate, adapt, and report on climate risk

We convened “Sustainability for Future Generations” on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and impact investing with Savills, leading global real estate firm, and Cardiff University. “Pricing carbon is our best solution” and “Incrementalism is not enough!” were statements made by the finance experts.

Ali Fatemi (Greenleaf Board Member), Tom Hill (Savills), Calvin Jones (Cardiff University), and Marylis Ramos (Savills) discuss social and economic frameworks and climate solutions in finance.

Supporting innovation of bio-based products for decarbonization

Greenleaf Advisors advises the Illinois Soybean Association’s Soy Innovation Center; this year creating a sustainability evaluation system for the development of innovative new soy-based product applications.

Advancing community-based climate solutions

Greenleaf has partnered with the Center of Urban and Rural Environmental Sustainability (CURES) at the University of Illinois since its inception. This year’s Conference focused on water, energy, and sustainability projects for local communities across Illinois. Katie DeMuro presented solutions including climate modeling, distributed energy, smart stormwater management, and green infrastructure alongside Prairie Rivers Network, Illinois Environmental Council, SEDAC, Urbana, and Carbondale.

Transitioning to distributed clean energy

Greenleaf advances solutions with Intelligent Generation, empowering businesses (G&W Electric Co, Abt, and Magid) and institutions to engage the clean energy grid. Ben Bezark and IG’s Marc Thrum presented to the DOE and Midwest Cogeneration Association on Battery Storage, Solar, and Microgrids in the Midwest. Watch the webinar here.

Promoting emissions data standards

Greenleaf is a member of the Open Footprint Forum, supporting the development of a data model standard for corporations to track, share, and report GHG emissions data to regulators and other stakeholders as they prioritize decarbonization. Greenleaf Advisors’ Ben Bezark serves as co-lead of the outreach and alignment working group, identifying opportunities to engage new members and align with other initiatives in the reporting ecosystem.

Climate risk assessment and decision making

Greenleaf Advisors partners with Earth Knowledge, a global planetary intelligence platform that informs climate and nature risk so that corporations, investors, and governments can act to protect their interests and report accordingly. Earth Knowledge has enabled the state of California to manage its fire and water risks with high-resolution predictive modeling.

Greenleaf works at the nexus of climate, land, energy, and water advancing sustainable solutions to protect the natural resources that sustain the planet. We respond to requests to address pressing needs that are on mission, applying best known policies and practices gained from our strong board members and partners.

Thank you for supporting Greenleaf with your time, insights, and collaboration as we work together toward a healthy and sustainable world. Tax-deductible donations to Greenleaf Communities, NFP, a 501(c)(3) organization, can be made here.

Posted in Climate, Energy, Greenleaf, News.